Diversions and Canals

Diversion structures help water users use the precious resource in the places they need it most. They also help to utilize return flows or overflows which can then be diverted to canals and used for irrigation purposes. Franson Civil Engineers has designed and rehabilitated numerous diversion structures throughout the Intermountain West. Our work includes planning, funding acquisition, design, and construction observation for diversion structures, ponds, and pump stations. Additionally, we represent numerous irrigation companies. Our experience with canals and their operation is wide-ranging.

Upper High Creek Canal Piping

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Last Chance Diversion Dam

Franson Civil Engineers performed construction observation including removal of existing structures, construction of all concrete structures, and RCC placement.

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Canal Company Support

FCE represents numerous irrigation companies with various components of operations. A large portion of work is the management of encroachments on irrigation facilities.

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Ephraim Tunnel Reconnaissance

The report documented the current tunnel conditions, summarized gathered historical information, and provided rehabilitation alternatives.

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Fairview Canyon Tunnel Rehabilitation

Franson Civil Engineers provided professional engineering services to preserve the ability of the tunnel to convey water rights.

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