North Summit Pressurized Irrigation

Franson Civil Engineers designed and constructed a new single pressurized irrigation system to service shareholders within multiple irrigation companies. These companies delivered water through open ditches to over 1,700 acres of land between Rockport and Echo Reservoirs in Summit County, Utah. The new system replaces the separate open ditch systems and consists of over 20 miles of pipelines, laterals, and turnouts to irrigation users and homeowners.

We coordinated the efforts of the irrigation companies to form the North Summit Pressurized Irrigation Company to construct and operate the new pressurized system. We facilitated discussions and agreements/permits with over 15 entities. Funding included a $1 million grant from the Bureau of Reclamation, an $850,000 grant from the Utah Division of Water Quality and a low-interest loan (1%) from the Utah Division of Water Resources. We designed facilities to allow future energy recovery.