Highland Water Company

Franson Civil Engineers worked with the Highland Water Company in the planning and design of several water facilities that enabled growth in north Highland City. Some of these facilities include:

Upper Beacon Hills 600,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank

We designed the tank within the Suncrest Development. We coordinated with the City of Draper to acquire a conditional use permit for its placement.

Lower Beacon Hills 2 Million Gallon Water Storage Tank

We designed a 2.0 million gallon water storage tank located within the Beacon Hills Development in Highland. Work included surveying, site plans, a reinforced concrete valve vault, drain line, specifications, bid and contract documents. We coordinated and submitted the necessary information to the Division of Drinking Water for approval.

View Pointe 2 Million Gallon and 250,000 Gallon Tanks

We designed a 2.0 million gallon water storage tank and 250,000 gallon tank within the View Pointe Development. Work included surveying, site plans, a reinforced concrete valve vault, drain line, specifications, bid and contract documents. We worked with the Division of Drinking Water for approval.

18-Inch and 12-Inch Transmission Lines

We designed and prepared design drawings for the construction of the Beacon Hills transmission lines. We coordinated between the developer and Highland City for pipeline placement within the proposed roadways and easements. We coordinated with the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy and the Bureau of Reclamation to cross the existing aqueduct, including the necessary application.

Beacon Hills Pump Station Design

We prepared the engineering design with accompanying bid and contract documents for a 40 Horsepower Pump Station to boost water from a lower pressure zone to a new upper pressure zone located within the Beacon Hills Subdivision. Completed design drawings for construction of the pump station including hydraulic engineering, HVAC design, surveying, site plans with site piping, and pump station building.