Helper City’s culinary water system has been upgraded to meet future needs and to bring the system to current Federal and State standards. Franson Civil Engineers created a Capital Facilities Master Plan and a hydraulic model to identify and examine system deficiencies. Replacing Helper’s utilities was a difficult project as it is an old town that had not performed significant upgrades for many years.
Work included installation of nearly $11 million in culinary improvements, including over 80,000 feet of pipe, along with valves, hydrants, and service connections; and using trenchless methods to cross Highway 6 and the Price River.
Design and construction have occurred simultaneously with improvements to the sewer and storm drain systems. The city was divided into seven planning zones and five construction areas to better manage the extent of construction at any given time. Construction occurred over a four-year period. During that time, over 200,000 feet (or about 38 miles) of pipe was installed between the three utilities.