Gunnison City Secondary System Improvements

In 2002, Gunnison City was looking to improve its existing secondary water system. The purpose of the project was to increase pressures in areas that had historically experienced pressure-related problems. Franson Civil Engineers assisted the City in obtaining a grant of $650,000 from Section 206 of the Central Utah Project Completion Act. An additional $477,000 came from local coffers and a loan from the Board of Water Resources. The project consisted of locating and designing a 17 acre-foot regulating pond in a strategic location to take advantage of the canal water source and to provide sufficient pressure to alleviate pressure problems.

We designed approximately five miles of main distribution pipeline (18-inches and 21-inches) from the canal to the pond and from the pond to the town system, as well as a parallel 18-inch PVC pipe for the field distribution system.

When the town added various 6-inch to 10-inch pipelines throughout the town system to loop and expand the system, we assisted them through the funding, planning, design, and construction phases of the project. Construction of the project was completed in 2005.

Award: ACEC-Utah Engineering Excellence Merit Award, 2004