Franson Civil Engineers assisted Greenwich in the preparation of a feasibility report. The report helped to identify and evaluate potential alternatives to improve their culinary water system. We prepared and analyzed a model of the system in WaterCAD to resolve pressure issues in the system.
The design of a 200,000-gallon water storage tank included full concrete and reinforcement design of the tank, civil site design, piping into and out of the tank and a short section of pipeline to connect to the existing distribution system. Funding was approved (Section 206 grant) and construction was completed in June 2011.
Funding to install a new transmission line from the new tank was acquired from DDW in 2012. Work consisted of designing a new culinary transmission line to replace the undersized 3-inch line. The transmission line is 10 inches in diameter and about 12,500 feet in length. Plans and specifications were completed. FCE also assisted with construction review.