Circleville Culinary Water System

Circleville had difficulties with a spring used to produce culinary water for the town water system. Franson Civil Engineers evaluated the status of the spring and determined the best alternative was to rehabilitate the spring and increase the produced flow.

We prepared a feasibility report outlining the preferred alternative along with the estimated construction costs. The report was used to obtain funding from the Utah Division of Drinking Water (DDW) for the construction portion of the project. We prepared and submitted design drawings and specifications to the necessary State agencies. We also assisted in construction review of the springs redevelopment and transmission line and prepared the operation and maintenance manual.

In addition, we designed a 200,000-gallon storage tank to supplement the storage capabilities of Circleville in order to meet fire flow demands and regular usage demands. Funding was obtained from a Section 206 grant and a loan from the State of Utah. We performed construction management services.