Franson Civil Engineers is pleased and honored to announce that Helper City Utility Improvements was awarded the 2018 ACEC-Utah Engineering Excellence Grand Conceptor Award, recognizing it as the BEST project in the State of Utah. The award was presented at the ACEC-Utah EEA Banquet on November 16, 2017.
A press release has been issued on behalf of our clients, Ephraim Irrigation Company and Ephraim City, regarding the award of a $1 million grant from the Bureau of Reclamation for upcoming projects. The news article was originally published in the Daily Herald, the Pyramid, and can be found here.
Read MoreCongratulations to two of our clients, who have been awarded grants from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) WaterSMART Program. Awards for the two companies total 27% of the funds granted in Utah ($2 million out of $7.45 million): Benson Irrigation Company — $1,000,000 for the Benson Canal Enclosure Project, which will convert nine miles of open […]